Basic patient information is displayed for
reference in the header. Prescriptions are identifiable by
their DEA classification, i.e., N for narcotic, C for controlled;
this is derived automatically from the classification of the
items included on the prescription. If a prescription is voided,
the void date and reason for voiding will be displayed at
the top left corner of the screen. The user ID of the person
voiding or entering a prescription is tracked. The next delivery
date and delivery note print on the daily notes (to-do) calendar.
The lower block of the screen displays a
count of various items on the prescription. Subsidiary screens
are available from the menu listed under 'Details', including
ancillary, non-compounded, and compounded prescriptions, DME
items, caregiver additives, prescription instructions, dose
scheduling and claim center authorizations.
Copy, refill, transfer of prescriptions
between branches, and standard prescription orders are supported.
After a prescription is copied, refilled, transferred or pulled
from a standard order the individual detail items can be edited.

Basic patient and prescription information
is displayed for reference in the header.
The special prescription instructions print
on the prescription and compounding record reports; the label
instructions print on the label; and the prescription delivery
instructions print on the delivery verification report.
Place of service and condition codes receive
default values from the patient information, and can be over-ridden