
Sample Screens





Pharmacy Samples

View Screen



Basic patient information is displayed for reference in the header. Prescriptions are identifiable by their DEA classification, i.e., N for narcotic, C for controlled; this is derived automatically from the classification of the items included on the prescription. If a prescription is voided, the void date and reason for voiding will be displayed at the top left corner of the screen. The user ID of the person voiding or entering a prescription is tracked. The next delivery date and delivery note print on the daily notes (to-do) calendar.

The lower block of the screen displays a count of various items on the prescription. Subsidiary screens are available from the menu listed under 'Details', including ancillary, non-compounded, and compounded prescriptions, DME items, caregiver additives, prescription instructions, dose scheduling and claim center authorizations.

Copy, refill, transfer of prescriptions between branches, and standard prescription orders are supported. After a prescription is copied, refilled, transferred or pulled from a standard order the individual detail items can be edited.


View Screen


Prescription Instructions

Basic patient and prescription information is displayed for reference in the header.

The special prescription instructions print on the prescription and compounding record reports; the label instructions print on the label; and the prescription delivery instructions print on the delivery verification report.

Place of service and condition codes receive default values from the patient information, and can be over-ridden here.


View Screen


Compounding/Non-Compounding Drugs

Special syringe labels can be printed by flagging the number to print greater than 0 beside the container.

Entry of prescription drugs (without reference to specific inventory items) is done on this screen. Generic or trade drugs can be selected. Heparin compatibility is shown for each selected drug. The picking of individual items for compounded and non-compounded drugs is done on subsidiary screens.


View Screen


Ancillary Prescription Items

Ancillary labels can be produced by entering the number of labels to print for each inventory item. Ancillary instructions are entered on the inventory screen. Macros (also called kits or pick lists) can be defined for frequently used sets of items. Selection of a macro will automatically fill in the list of items on the screen, which can then be edited.


View Screen


Prescription DME Items

DME items currently checked out to the patient are displayed on the screen for reference.
DME items used with prescriptions are printed on the delivery report and billed automatically on the invoice generated from the prescription. Selection of a specific pump tracked by serial number is done at a later point and not on this screen.